Lamb Koftas Meal Plan
This meal plan will suit those with advanced kidney disease. It provides 1705kcal and 66grams of protein. Please compare the full analysis and or Kidney Diet Allowances with your individual allowances. Your Kidney (Renal) Dietitian will help you to do this.
Some of the recipes in this meal plan are high in fat and therefore may not be suitable for you if you have been advised to reduce your fat intake.
This 1 day meal plan provides 4 protein exchanges (allowances), 1 dairy exchange, 2 fruit portions, 2 vegetable portions and 2 potato portions. Check your daily allowances to see if you have enough for this meal-plan.
Total Nutritional Analysis
1705 kcal | 66g protein | 93.99g fat | 3.57g salt | 50mmol / 1960mg potassium | 30mmol / 1024mg phosphate | 280g carbohydrate | 57g sugar |
[quote author=”Dietitian Tip” source=”” ]Ask your Kidney (Renal) Dietitian about a Low Phosphate Milk Substitute (link to milk substitute definition). Watching your Fluid?
Remember to count your milk and milk substitute as part of your daily fluid intake.[/quote]
*milk substitute has not been included in the analysis for this meal plan. Ask your Kidney (Renal) Dietitian about a milk substitute