What are high potassium foods?
is a mineral that is in many of the foods we commonly eat. It is true to say that some foods contain higher amounts of potassium than others.
You may need…
to restrict the amount of potassium in your diet if you have a high potassium blood level and depending on the stage of your kidney disease.
In general all fruit, vegetables and potatoes…
are high in potassium and within this, some have higher amounts when compared to others.
As a general rule…
the high potassium fruits are bananas, all dried fruits and fruit juices. Some other foods known to be high in potassium include coffee, chocolate, salt substitutes, beer wine, nuts and crisps.
The portions of these foods you eat are important…
you will need to talk to your Kidney (Renal) Dietitian about this as every individual is different.
The cooking method used for high potassium foods…
like vegetables and potatoes can also be important. Boiling all vegetables and potatoes and possibly ‘double boiling’ potatoes may be needed depending on your stage of kidney disease. Here’s a low potassium potato cooking method.